Saturday, February 27, 2010

Move off the page

You, majestic sovereign…move off the page!

Move off the page
to the world,
move off the page to the trouble,
move out
of your paged leisure
to the turmoil of your creatures.

Move to the peace negotiations,
and cancer diagnoses,
and burning churches,
and lynched blacks,
and abused children.

Listen to the groans and moans,
and see and hear and know
and remember, and come down!"

(Awed to Heaven, Rooted in Earth: Prayers of Walter Brueggemann).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Feels different to the exasperated query, “Where are you” that the prophet Hosea raised or the laments of Ecclesiastes or the desperate cry of the Psalmist hard pressed on all side.

Sounds more like an indictment or a denunciation of a person who no longer has a sense of fear?